Agency Name | Number | Website Address |
Gloucester Citizens Advice | 01452 527 202 | www.gloucestercab.org.uk |
Gloucester City Council | 01452 396396 | www.gloucester.gov.uk |
Gloucester Family Haven | 01452 422 971 | www.thefamilyhaven.com |
Gloucester Furniture Recycling Project | 01452 302 303 | www.frp.org.uk |
Gloucester Rape Crisis | 01452 526 770 | www.rapecrisis.org.uk |
Gloucester Salvation Army | 01452 311 332 | www.gloucestersalvationarmy.org.uk |
Gloucester Samaritans | 01452 306333 | www.samaritans.org.uk |
Gloucester Victim Support | 01452 317 444 | www.victimsupport.org.uk |
Gloucestershire Association for Voluntary & Community Action (GAVCA) | 01452 332 424 | www.gavca.org.uk |
Gloucestershire County Council | www.gloucestershire.gov.uk | |
Gloucestershire Domestic Violence Support and Advocacy Support Project (GDVSAP) |
01452 500115 |
Gloucestershire Police |
(non emergency) 0845 090 1234 |
www.gloucestershire.police.uk |
Crimestoppers | 0800 555 111 | |
Gloucestershire Independence Trust | 08458 638 323 | Independence Trust |
M.P. Richard Graham | 01452 371 630 | |
NHS Direct | www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk | |
Young Gloucestershire | 01452 501 008 | www.youngglos.org.uk |
NATIONAL ADVENTIST CHURCH LINKS National website of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. News, events, photos, information, resources and links. ADRA-UK - Adventist Development and Relief Agency |