The Church will be open for Sabbath School and for Divine Service and published programmes during the week and Sabbath afternoon
The services will still be available on Zoom, and streamed on You Tube.Some afternoon services will be held, and will be announced
All sermons are available on You Tube, as is a weekly panel discussing the Sabbath Lesson for each week . Available on You Tube ,under, 'Gloucester S.D.A Church'
Pastor of GLOUCESTER SDA CHURCH IS Pastor Wayne Smikle
MOB 017883695461
Errol westcarr 1st Elder - 075846522
Anthony Saunders 2nd Elder - 07429221835
On last Wed of each month , Prayer meeting will also be available in Church
On Fridays there is Vespers via ZOOM at 7:30 p
Children's Sabbath School 10:00am
Teens Sabbath School 10:00am
Adult Sabbath School 10:00am-11.00am
Divine Worship 11.15am
Pathfinders 4.30
Bible study 6.00pm
TUES @ 6.00PM Study of the book "Desire of Ages'' Currently on Zoom only,
For further details please speak to a member of the Leadership Team
Use the ZOOM I.D 780 012 5312 Password 015668
These meetings will be on ZOOM ID 780 012 5312 Password 015668
Please join us at any or all of these services, but please be aware, if using ZOOM, for security reasons, you will be asked to put your name on your Phone/Tablet ID, and that your video is enabled.
Soup Kitchen remains open each Tuesday and Thursday, on a take away basis from 11.00am, and on alternate SUNDAYS a hot meal for take away is served at 11.00am
Bible classes are being held now Please contact an Elder if you would like to receive Bible Studies
Please visit us at our regular Sabbath Services, you will be assured of a warm welcome from our members
An Evangelistic series begins 27th Oct until 9th nov, continuing each night , except Thurs, when there is no meeting, Two meetings will be held on each Sabbath ,( 2nd Nov + 9th Nov ) when it will be held Morn and evening . The weekday meetings start at 7.15, and the Sabbath meetings start at at and 7.00pm respectively. Our Pastor, Pastor Wayne Smikle will be the main speaker , with associate Pastor Spase Gilgorov also speaking
All are invited please see leaflet , and bring a friend
PLEASE NOTE ; Friday evening 1st Nov, The meeting will be on ZOOM ONLY I.D 780 012 5312 Password 015668